Thursday, July 03, 2008


Hello. You may remember me from various attempts to do something like this that ended up in ignominious failure. Such as it is with me and these sort of things! So why now and why again? I'll reproduce something I've posted elsewhere -

I used to do a zine about 300 years ago and I've made attempts to get something up and running again online but have run out of steam and/or inspiration. As someone not of an indiepop bent but who frequents a forum with such a leaning, I do however take inspiration from the number of people in the scene (for want of a better word) who are just out there doing stuff, whether it's putting on bands, club nights, writing their own zine or blog and I think that's enough to shame me into getting my finger out and doing something again. I think where I ran out of steam before was that I was doing everything myself and just running out of things to write about. Perhaps if there were more people on board and it was more collaborative then it might succeed.

I have a couple of Blogger accounts and have resurrected one of those (as well as an email address used for a previous attempt) but if I did get something going would anyone be interested in contributing to it? I guess in the main I'd be looking for reviews (record and gig) but general thought and opinion pieces would be sought too - I'm a relatively benign editor so submissions of all shapes and sizes will be welcomed. If you know of a band who you might like to interview then by all means suggest that too - I don't have press contacts like I did back in the day but the smaller bands out there can certainly be contacted via email and the like.

So yeah, that's what I'm thinking about. Like I was in the middle of the night when I couldn't get to sleep earlier. If you're reading this and would like to contribute then get in touch -

pszine at gmail dot com.

It's not quite a mission statement, but it's a wee explanation of why I'm doing this. Hopefully you'll read it and want to contribute. For those who have stumbled across this for the first time, I'm Chris, I live in Edinburgh, the zine referred to above was on the go for a few years in the mid to late 90s and you'll pick up the kind of things I'm into as we go along. In the next wee while, I'll put up some interviews from various archives as a starting point then we'll take it from there! The look and the layout is unimportant to me, it's the words on the page that matter and that'll never change. Hopefully those words on the page will make some kind of sense!

If you've got this far then thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

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