Thursday, December 23, 2010

Plentycast #10 - Trailer

Hello. Just to say that Plentycast #10 will probably be ready to go in the first couple of days in January. It'll be a very special edition featuring the star of #9 John Mackie - as it's John's 40th birthday on January 1, I've asked him to put together a playlist of tracks and we'll sit down and listen to them (while demolishing the ever increasing amount of rum accumulating in my kitchen cupboard) and have a chat about them. John's initial playlist came to 16 tracks as, understandably, asking a music fan to whittle down their favourite songs is quite difficult.

So, today I took an executive decision. PC#10 will be a two-part special. I've asked John to pick 4 more songs to take it up to a round 20 and I'll split the recording into two as it'll no doubt end up as a bit of an epic. It's fair to say that I'm looking forward to doing this more than any other podcast I've done, I've had a look at the playlist and it's blinding. You might think this is a bit of a nostalgia-fest, but someone's favourite songs are their favourite songs no matter if they're from 1974 or from last week.

Hope folk can tune into this!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Plentycast #9

aka The ATP-cast.

A day earlier than usual due to another weekend of weather-related football inactivity and featuring special guest (and occasional contributor to the blog of old) John Mackie. Both myself and John were down at the Godspeed You! Black Emperor curated ATP in Minehead last weekend and I thought it would be good to sit down and have a chat about the weekend as a whole and play a few songs by some of the main protagonists. The ATP chat is bookended by a new track from Laeto (and a warm welcome back to them) and last year's Withered Hand Christmas song. This is the last podcast of the year so even though Christmas doesn't mean a whole lot to me Dan has produced a quite lovely song.

Click on Jocky to take you there. Bear in mind it is nearly 2 hours long as well!

See you in 2011!

Tracklisting -

1. Laeto - Mssr Mountain
2. Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl
3. White Magic - Sun Song
4. Flower/Corsano Duo - I, Brute Force
5. Bardo Pond - Don't Know About You
6. Hangedup - Klang Klang
7. The Ex - Tree Float
8. Marissa Nadler - Ghosts And Lovers
9. Neurosis - Water Is Not Enough
10. Wolves In The Throne Room - Vastness And Sorrow
11. Withered Hand - It's A Wonderful Lie